Tuesday, 18 August 2015

June-August 2015

Hello readers! Long time no blog ! I'm so sorry for being on a super long hiatus omg .-. Hope you guys forgive me ><" πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Anyways, it's like the 18th August today haha! So I'm gonna blog about June followed by July then August for today πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

June: June was fun and packed and it's like the first time my June holidays are super packed with events and camps o.o which is a good thing as for the past few years, it's a boring one. So during The June holidays, I have 2 camps in 2 weeks (wow bruh. hahaha!) The first one is blbc and the other one is cm4! 

So for blbc, we camped overnight for 3 days 4 nights (if I'm not wrong) in sbf ! It's really fun and I cried a lot ;-; as many stories were told and it's to train us on our leadership ! Tbh it's the first camp that made me cried so badly haha! Overall, it's a fun one as we got missions for each groups! Each groups have to find a way to survive for lunch and dinner without any money from our wallet. (a.k.a. we have to find a way to get money haha!) So we got like $50? from Leonard's dad and yeah ~ HAHAHHAAHA okay so some pics :

Metta πŸ’“

kwong and I πŸ’•

one of the missions that my group needs to do and this is proudly made by me and Jolie HAHAH πŸ’ž but it's already destroyed so ;-; our 3-4 hours effort gone ;-; hurhur 

Metta @ the prata shop for dinner? πŸ˜‚

also, one of our mission~ painting and redecorating the cozy sbf level 8 room ! 

And another photo of our morning faces HAHAH! 

So yeah~ after the blbc camp, we have the camp mettamorph IV! (woah tiring right. HAHAHA) this camp, is a 5 days 4 nights one ~ the longest camp I've ever attended tho HAHAHA. Why 5D4N? it's suppose to be 4D3N but we can come back for Day 0 to help out! πŸ˜‚ We played water activities like everyday during camp and it's hella fun. 

Me and my lucky charm raine, Joraine πŸ’•πŸ’ž

Melissa πŸ’– mind my ugly face HAHAHAH

loving kindness girls πŸ’“ yes, our group name is loving kindness πŸ’•

Metta + Loving kindness combined πŸ’–

Camp mettamorph IV πŸ’“ Leaders, Campers, and everyone πŸ™†πŸ»

After the camp, which is like the last day of June holidays AHHAHA! I went to universals studios together with my dad and my 2 sisters πŸ’žπŸ’ž ITS THE FRIGGING FIRST TIME I RODE ALL THE HELLA SCARY RIDES (it might not be scary to u but to me, it's quite but it's hella fun.) This isn't the first time I went, but the first time I finished all the rides. (as in the scary ones, the not so scary ones I didn't ride . HAHAH)

USS's hella tumblr


Hella awkward 

owning the road like nobody's business

starting to crave sitting the blue roller coaster HAHAHAHAHA 

Favorite photo 😍 and yeah it's my lockscreen wallpaper hahaha

Fast and furious 🌚

there's more pics but I'm kinda lazy to post hahaha. more pics ~ do follow me on Instagram to see em HAHA @ntl.x & @nathalieteox


There's nothing much in July but, it's my mom's birthday πŸ’•πŸ’—

my hair looks thick AF hahah! 

Then, it's August ! we had a Metta carnival on 1 August tho. 

photo taking πŸ’“

we sold cookies and meringues and many more πŸ’• photo with the fav girls in the booth πŸ’ž

with jtln and Jolie πŸ’•

After the Metta carnival, there isn't much going on anymore until it's singapore's birthday! 

school celebration on national day~ 

Baes 😘 and yeah I changed my specs HAHA



On national day itself, family and I took public transport to esplanade to watch the fireworks πŸ’• as its free transportation on that day for public transport so why not? 

fireworks taken by me πŸ’ž

and another one from yours truly πŸ™†πŸ»

then the next day, aft the national day, family and I went to siloso beach πŸ’ž 

Dad was lining up at somewhere coz he wanna play some adventurous games at somewhere there hahah!!

#iphone6quality proudly by yours truly HAHAH

it was windy AF πŸ’•

So yeah that's the sum up of my June - July blog πŸ’•thanks for reading ik it's long I'm sorry 😭 love you guys bye πŸ’“
